LifeDesigns Is Different

At Life Designs ReAbility Center, we understand that changes in the healthcare industry have left many people feeling rushed through their rehabilitation. We give you the guidance, time and space to fully recover from a health setback.

What We Do

  • Explore the potential of facilitating neural tracts within the spinal cord that have been spared injury or disease and promote neuromuscular recovery.
  • Create an individualized, lifelong activity program and help individuals maintain physical readiness for functional activities.
  • Improve the quality of life by decreasing complications of their primary diagnosis, improving sensory and motor function, improving cardio-pulmonary function and increasing self-efficacy.
  • Enhance lifelong health and wellness.
Just as every person is unique; your movement therapy and exercise program will be different. The credentialed and certified specialists at Life Designs will take the time to find the right program to fit your needs.
We specialize in corrective movement and exercise therapy for adults with brain and spinal cord injuries and diseases.

LifeDesigns is unique because we offer:

  • Flat rates and more time – We can give you up to eight hours a day to exercise
  • Advanced equipment– Our specialized machines offer assistance, safety and stability
  • Hands-on help– We offer 1-on-1 and small group assistance with no more than 10 people per hour
  • The best staff– Our professional staff is enthusiastic and encouraging, helping you achieve results

Contact LifeDesigns Today!