Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation

Spinal cord injury can be sudden and life-changing.  It affects the patient and everyone who cares for them. Recovery usually takes longer than insurance allows.

Every injury is unique. At LifeDesigns, we will create a recovery program just for you. We help you adapt to life after spinal cord injury.

Our Approach

Spinal cord injury affects the patient and impacts the lives of everyone around them. We use a holistic approach. We will work toward the patient’s recovery, and healing for the whole family. We work on the physical, emotional, and social areas all at once. We can help the patient resume an active lifestyle, stay in their home, and live independently.

When insurance says "no," LifeDesigns says "Yes."

Recovery from spinal cord injury may take months or years. The doctor or insurance company may have said, “We have done as much as we can.” At LifeDesigns, we will stay with the patient for as long as is needed. We help patients accomplish the most basic life tasks, such as feeding, toileting, and moving around the home. LifeDesigns patients have learned to live independently, connect with friends and loved ones, and even return to work.

Contact LifeDesigns Today!